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SF14 Scherenfernrohr periscope binoculars 'cxn'

SF14 Scherenfernrohr periscope binoculars 'cxn'


A lovely, honest set of the SF14 Scherenfernrohr trench periscope binoculars, presented in completely untouched and as found condition! 


Finished in the original factory two-tone paint scheme, tan overall, with contrasting field grey prism plates; this particular pair are clearly maker coded 'cxn' to indicate manufacture by Emil Busch, Rathenow.


The optics remain clear and with the H/6400 pattern Strichplatte reticule in a crosshair type formation. However, the ocular focus adjustments will require some attention if the periscope is intended to be used with full functionality - due to one side turning freely and the other side seized up at present. 


Of note is the fact that this set also received the 'T' marking to denote use of coated optical lenses - a feature very rarely seen on SF14s. 


Overall, they remain as a set which would definitely make for a fine addition to any display of optics or combat related equipment! 

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