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Late-war tan MG34/42 Gurttrommel 'gdd 44'

Late-war tan MG34/42 Gurttrommel 'gdd 44'


A very nice, untouched original tan MG34/42 50 round drum (Gurttrommel). This particular item is a good example of exceptionally scarce seen late-war variation - with the spring-loaded dust cover, as opposed to the usual sliding mechanism. 


Aside from retaining much of the original factory tan paint, the drum is also clearly maker coded/dated 'gdd 44', which indicates manufacture by Hermann Hecker, Metall- und Lackierwarenfabrik, Bernsbach in Sachsen, in 1944.


From the condition, it is clear to see that this drum has come to rest on one side at some point in time, which has caused some rust and paint loss, as shown. Nonetheless, the piece remains completely solid, still functions exactly as it should and displays very well - including when affixed to either a MG34 or MG42!

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