Boxed MG34/42 MGZ Lafette optic 'Busch Rathenow'+ filters
A superb early-war, boxed example of the MGZ model optic as used in conjunction with the MG34/42 when fitted to the heavy Lafette tripod.
This particular sight is finished in the original factory-applied green, and is clearly maker marked 'Busch Rathenow'. The blue '+' lubricant symbol denoting its suitability for use in colder climes.
Aside from some haze the optics remain clear, with the internal V-shaped aiming reticule still being clearly visible.
All adjustment dials still function as they should, both spirit levels remain intact and the optic is completed with a good reproduction example of the rubber eyecup.
The box retains all of the internal fittings to hold the optic, as well as both sun filters etc. The remains of the original ink Waffenamt proof and maker's marks are also visible on the underside of the lid. The exterior appears to have received a later reissue green finish, but remains fitted with with the original canvas belt loops that are very often missing.
Overall, a lovely set that would certainly complete any MG34/42 Lafette display very well indeed!