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Zeiss 7x50 Kriegsmarine Küstenartillerie binoculars 'Artl.'

Zeiss 7x50 Kriegsmarine Küstenartillerie binoculars 'Artl.'


A scarce pair of early-war Kriegsmarine binoculars which were specifically issued to Küstenartillerie (Coastal Artillery) personnel. 


They are very nicely inscribed with the Carl Zeiss Jena maker's logo, as well as having the early style of KM Reichsadler property marking - which unlike on many survivors still remains completely intact / not defaced! 


If intended for use then the optics would require an internal service to restore clarity. 


Nonetheless, a very desirable WWII era Kriegsmarine binocular which makes for a nice, honest display piece!

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